TorqShift® 10-Speed Automatic Transmission With Neutral Idle
Engineered to optimize drive ratios and improve shift performance. You can choose from 5 selectable modes — Normal, Slippery, Tow/Haul, Eco and Deep Sand/Snow. In Neutral Idle mode, the transmission automatically shifts into Neutral while stopped when conditions allow, lowering fuel consumption. It then automatically shifts into Drive when you lift off the brake.
Power Take-Off Provision
Standard across the entire engine lineup, an output gear connects directly to the engine crankshaft to power your PTO anytime the engine is running, whether in motion or stopped. It also comes with “split-shaft” capability, allowing multiple accessories to operate at the same time when stopped.
U.S. model with aftermarket equipment shown.
Power Take-Off Torque
Stationary 300 lb.-ft. of torque output gives you more power for upfits when you need it. For added efficiency, the 10-bolt PTO mounting pattern provides a solidly anchored mount for larger PTO devices, allowing you to take greater advantage of its massive torque. *
U.S. model with aftermarket equipment shown.

Vehicle Details
U.S. model shown.
Diesel Engine Exhaust Braking
When activated, this available feature adjusts the turbocharger when you lift your foot of the accelerator, generating back pressure. You get extra braking while driving downhill and hauling heavy loads, and extend the life of your manual brakes.
Operator-Commanded Exhaust Regeneration
Some operating conditions — such as long idling — don’t generate enough heat for the engine to burn off soot. This button-activated feature raises the exhaust temperature, burning it off and cleaning the filter. The temperature reverts to normal afterwards.