Certified Parts Wholesale Dealer at Your Service
Express Delivery
Estimated 30 - 60-minute Hot Shot express delivery within 25 kms. of participating dealerships to order parts and have them delivered so that your customers get back on the road faster
Browse. Shop. Buy
E-Commerce website for your repair facility to shop and buy Ford parts with capabilities to cater to your facility’s needs
Dedicated sales representative
Ford-Trained, professional and dedicated full-time Outside Sales Representative/s who understands your unique needs and acts in your best interest
How to Become a Member
Your repair business can become a PSN member if it meets the following eligibility criteria:
- Maintains all required business registrations and employs at least one licensed technician
- Maintains at least one service bay open to the public
- Has a valid GST registration number
- If the Independent Repair Facility (IRF) is a sole proprietorship, the person is at least 18 years of age and is operating the IRF solely for business or commercial purposes
- Sponsored by a Ford or Lincoln dealership; and approved by Ford in its absolute discretion
Your business will not be eligible for membership if it is a/an:
- New vehicle dealership and used vehicle dealership affiliated with any new vehicle dealership; and
- Entity that purchases or leases vehicles for use in their day-to-day business.
Contact a Certified Parts Wholesale Dealer and get your Sponsor Code Locate a dealer >
For full eligibility terms and conditions click here >